Wednesday, September 25, 2024

SSMS and Cascadia Ligatures

TIL: Ligatures are a thing in code editors.

According to Google, "A ligature is a glyph that combines the shapes of certain sequences of characters into a new form that makes for a more harmonious reading experience."

The new (to me) font "Cascadia" has variants, some with and some without ligatures. (see below) It is an upgrade from Consolas, the previous Microsoft developers font.

Why are there multiple versions? This is because some people are "show me the actual characters" sort of people and others are "Make it pretty" sort of people. For prose I like ligatures, for programming I need precision. If you need to squint to tell the difference between >= and <= then it has gone too far. Also editing them is wierd, having the cursor/insertion point half way through a character feels wrong.
Final note, SQL is not C#. Take your non-ANSI != and keep it out of my SQL.

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